Welcome to Fit Chica

My name is Jennifer Billings. I am the daughter of parents who emigrated from Mendoza, Argentina to Los Angeles, CA in 1960. I grew up in a suburb of Los Angeles called Glendale. When I was 13 years old, the Jane Fonda workout hit video stores across America and I, like millions of Americans, was hooked! Leg warmers and all, I would workout religiously to her video in front of the TV in our very small apartment in our even smaller living room. It was right about this time that a gym opened up down the street from our house and I begged my mom for the money to join. I took aerobics classes regularly but didn’t really lift weights because I had no idea what I was doing and didn’t want to look foolish. Two years later `The Terminator’ hit movie theaters and as I watched the scenes of Linda Hamilton with those kick-ass arms, I knew I wanted arms like that.

It took a little while but I ended up working out at a now defunct gym called 20 Minute Workout and I managed to get the courage to hit the weights. Oh how I remember the spandex and butt floss leotards that were all the rage back then. There was a little women’s area so I went ahead and jumped on all the machines and used the free weights. I just copied what I saw other people doing and voila! I felt like a pro 😉

I’m 40 years old now and have never lost my love of fitness. Over the last few years, I’ve added yoga, pilates, and TRX® Suspension Training to my repertoire. After being laid off in November ’08, I decided to focus my energies into figuring out what it is that I enjoy and what I really want to be when I grow up. After thinking it over I realized that what I really love to do is workout and what I really wanted to do is help people achieve their fitness goals. For years  friends have asked if they could workout with me and even a few strangers who would see me at the gym regularly asked if they could workout with me. So, after training people for free for years, I decided to get paid for it 🙂

I am now a certified personal trainer. Along with my personal training certification, I am certified to train others on the TRX®.

I like to incorporates traditional weight lifting with BOSU® balance training and TRX® Suspension training. I believe that a workout today will make you a better person than you were yesterday. That staying fit is the key to a long and healthy life.

I hope you enjoy reading my posts. I look forward to hearing from you.

In Good Health,
Jennifer aka Fit Chica