Surf Stronger with TRX®

What an awesome workout! Most of you know that I’m a huge fan of the TRX. TRXing is something I do several times a week for my own workouts and all my clients love it too.

I am not a surfer myself, but I know that surfing takes strength, balance, and determination. As a native California girl, I’ve watched people riding the waves for years and always watch them in awe as they jump up and catch the waves. I’m always jealous when I see them out there with dolphins so close they could reach out and touch them. If only I could get over my dislike of cold water…enough about me, let’s get to the Surf Stronger workout!

This workout is a fantastic tool for surfers and non-surfers alike to increase their strength, balance, and coordination. It works the entire body and mixes in some really fun (and challenging) cardio drills. Each exercise is 30 to 45 seconds with a 15 to 60 second break between sets. I especially love the “Surfers Pop-Up Drill” which entails lying on the ground doing a paddling motion with the arms and jumping up like you would onto a surfboard.

After doing this workout a few times, I feel like I just may grab a board, learn to surf, and enjoy the fun too!

You can download this workout by clicking on the image below:

P.S. Did I mention that I will be teaching TRX classes starting January, 2010? Classes will be held at Personal Best in San Pedro, CA. For more information send an e-mail to:

TRX Multi-Sport Strength DVD Review

I’ve been watching and purchasing fitness videos and DVD’s since the days of Jane Fonda so, I believe I’m pretty qualified to judge a good one vs. one that’s just not so great. So, when I was asked to write a review for the NEW! TRX Multi-Sport Strength DVD, I was honored and happily obliged.

The TRX Multi-Sport Strength DVD focuses on strength, stability, and power. It’s a great full-body workout in just 30 minutes. Jessi Stensland, a Professional Triathlete, runs through 8 of her favorite exercises. I just finished watching it again and I’m very impressed with the combinations of exercises shown. The exercises are broken down so that the first 15 minutes are spent on upper body and the last 15 minutes focus on lower body and core.

She cues each of the exercises with a concise yet thorough explanation. What I really appreciate, is that she tells you what the length of the TRX should be and the correct positioning so there is no question. It is also shown at the bottom of the screen at the beginning of each exercise. She refers to the importance of bio-mechanics (spinal alignment) and proper posture throughout the workout. She also talks about unilateral training and how it can be used to correct imbalances in the body and help prevent injuries.

This is a great DVD for beginners and instructors/trainers because she clearly explains the modifications and goes through each exercise in a slow and controlled manner. Jessi has a great attitude and an amazing figure, she’s upbeat and you can tell she’s having a great time which in turn makes this a great DVD to watch.

Overall, I’d give this one 4 stars out of 5.

Rating (Out of 5):
Instruction: ★★★★★
Long-Term Likeability: ★★★
Meets Expectations: ★★★★
Overall: ★★★★

As a side note: I am a HUGE FAN of the TRX. I bought it as a tool for personal use and, since I’m a Personal Trainer became TRX certified so I could use it with my clients. What I love most about the TRX is that it’s great for ALL LEVELS of fitness because each exercise can be modified by just changing the position of the feet or the body. I bought several TRX’s and now teach TRX Group Fitness classes at a very reasonable cost. So, if you’re in the South Bay (Redondo, Hermosa, or Manhattan Beach, Torrance, or El Segundo area) feel free to contact me.